Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dive Right In: Working From Home Amidst Family Chaos

Running a busy household is a job on it's own but working from home amidst the family chaos is even more challenging.  I tell ya: I have great respect for single parents that do it every day.  There have to be days when it can be daunting and you wish you could maybe pause or rewind.

I live in a busy household of seven and every day is, to put it simply, a juggling act..  Some days, it's purely about trying not to strangle one of the kids.

Patience - don't strangle each other..  yet. (J/K)

When you work from home, there are many skills and traits that breed success, but the two biggest ones are likely...
  • Self-Starting - With no boss lighting a fire under your arse, taking initiative is the only way to make progress and get consistent results.
  • Self-Accountability - No more pointing fingers or casting blame on others.  Being self-accountable means you accept your faults and constantly make efforts to improve - that means progress!
Note the focus on "me" and "I": you are the #1 reason you succeed or fail.  Of course, to say that demanding family lives do not create their own challenges would be misleading.  The basic approach to balancing your home and work life is simple:
  • Be Proactive - Plan ahead - you can never be too prepared, but don't let your planning take the place of action.  Being proactive is about maintaining a "do it now" attitude and preparing for potential challenges before they happen.
  • Stay Positive - Getting worked up and seeing doom at every turn does not help situations turn around.  Positive people don't see problems, they see opportunities.  We can learn and grow with every effort if we respond in positive, productive ways.

The tactics is where it can get tricky since every family and scenario is different.  I'd like to share some of the challenges I have faced and how to overcome them.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Dive Right In: 10 Things To Avoid In Network/Referral Marketing

In any entrepreneurial pursuit, there will always be things that can easily knock the wind out of your sails.  Even the most resilient and passionate business tycoons may be discouraged by certain challenges and obstacles.  The best thing to do is be prepared.

Understanding and dealing with rejection and objections is a big part of bulletproofing your motivation.  Naysayers are very good at making excuses and creating doubt.  They will find ways to discourage themselves and others from trying something new.  These toxic relationships can paralyze us..  But they're not the only things to watch out for!

Here are 10 things to avoid in Network Marketing/MLMs and Affiliate/Referral Programs alike (in no particular order):

1.  Focus On The Money And Material Things

Network marketers have the rep of being materialistic, greedy, and perhaps predatory.  The main reason for this perception is that they always focus on the income potential rather than the quality of the products.  These same people will post photos of their big paycheck, impressive bank statement, new motorcycle, lavish home, and so forth, as if that will motivate people to make a change in their lives (it won't).  People get excited about stories and dreams they can relate to, as well as products and services they feel truly enrich lives.

2.  Question: "How Much Have You Made?"

Beware of this question!  I've learned that this question is usually a mark of laziness.  Whether you make $200 a month or $4000 a month from home (and have proof of it), the people who ask this will likely still quit if they do decide to try out your system or program.  Personally, I have worked 100% from home for years now and the bills stay paid.  It is a struggle at times but you *DO* get out what you put in.

3.  Spam Affiliate Or Self-Promotion Links All Day

It does not matter if you are sharing the miracle drug that cures every ailment in the world or a product that is guaranteed to boost your energy and grow your hair back (where you want it).  If all you do is share your personal links all day long, people will start to unsubscribe or just ignore you.  Even worse, more and more social networks (especially Facebook) are viewing excessive links as spam, even if they point to different domains, and will suspend or ban you without warning.  Share some unlinked content like quotes, funny images, and family photos in between links (the ideal ratio of unliked:linked should be around 5:1 or higher).

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dive Right In: Building An Audience From Zero - For Newbies

If you are an affiliate marketer, a blogger selling ad space, an aspiring author, or a network marketer, everything starts with building an audience or community.  Without a large or at least highly-engaged audience, the quality of your content and offerings do not really matter.  Chances are you may be new to this online marketing stuff, or new enough that your efforts still seem futile at times.  It's easy to get started when you already have strong social circles or a personal network to leverage but if you don't...
How can you build an audience from zero?
I will tell you that I am still working on it today and building an audience is no easy feat.  I love people but I am not particularly into networking and, with my family and Faith at the forefront, I have little time for social outings.  My Facebook network may be like yours: lots of friends that are willing to play games and occasionally like something but the engagement stops there.  I don't use other social networks much and I find LinkedIn intrusive so I passed on that, even though some swear it's where all business people "need" to be.  Can you relate to my zero audience?

The reality is that we all have a network to leverage, regardless of how outgoing or isolated we may be, but that does not equate audience.  A real audience takes action, pays attention, and comes back routinely.  Anything short of that is lurker territory.  So the better question here may be...
How do you convert lurkers into a real audience that interacts and engages in deep, meaningful ways?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Rockin' Wellness: A Life Renewed After Cancer

In December of 2012 I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.  I was scared out of my damned mind.  There's just no other way to describe it.

So many questions coursed through my frantic mind...
  • Would they be able to get it all?
  • Would I be a survivor or another tragic story?
  • Would I have to undergo chemotherapy?
  • What would I say to my kids if these are my final days?
  • If they get it all, How do I live a normal life after cancer?
The news could not have come at a worse time and yet it came at the right time.  I found myself closer to God and to my family.  We prayed on it and we accepted that whatever was to come was part of God's Plan.

Fortunately, after having an emergency hysterectomy, my doctor confirmed that they were able to remove it all.  A few follow-ups since then and everything looks good but my journey did not end there.  The weeks after the procedure were rough...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Introducing The "Dive Right In" Series

We have gotten a tremendously positive response on the new MSNM blog.  Everyone has been great and we are glad our insights have proven useful.  We do recognize three major opportunities for blogging and content development in general:
  • Keep It Short - Kelli and I are both guilty of being long-winded, we know. People don't like to read as much these days, either, so we will go be more concise going forward.  If it doesn't add value to the main topic at hand, it won't be there.
  • Make It Actionable - Every post will have at least one CTA (Call To Action) and a few tactics and strategies to try out.  We'll try to close off every article with something actionable and relevant to your needs.  CTAs are a great way to convert your audience from casual followers to brand loyalists.
  • Mix Media - Plain text can be drab so we will mix in more types of media and maybe even release original podcasts and videos.  Visual aides always seem to have the greatest impact and images are particularly effective for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  Please let us know what you have enjoyed most by commenting and using social buttons.
No matter how long you blog or produce any type of content, there is always room for growth.  The needs of our audiences are constantly shifting so we must always adapt and improve.  Your feedback is helping us share more value and have more fun while doing it, too!  The long-winded aspect is one I find I have the toughest time with and I know some folks are like this girl here, just zoning out after a while...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Understanding Rejection And Objections In Your Online Business

Recently, my biggest supporter and best friend, Yomar, posted a sort of manifesto in response to people that treat online entrepreneurs and WFHers (those that work from home) as if they do not have a "real" job (you can read it here).  The main take-aways for me were this:
  • A traditional job will never provide us the financial freedom and fulfillment that self-employment will.
  • A so-called real job rarely provides security - we can be easily replaced or down-sized at any time.
  • Working for someone else rarely affords us the opportunity to do something meaningful or be masters of our own destiny (or at least our schedule).
  • How we each define a "real job" all depends on what we place the most importance on (status, income, purpose, etc.).
In short, a "real" job can be a real pain in the butt.  The elusive dream job seems to only exist in the movies.  I believe it's out there but not working for someone else..  But, hey, that's just my opinion.  I have yet to find anyone that can honestly say they love everything about their job and it is their true calling.  If you found a job you love, KUDOS - you are in a very rare class!

One thing I have learned is that dealing with rejection in the job search/interview processes is hard enough, but objections are even tougher when you take on a performance-driven role or become self-employed in any capacity.  I would venture to say that maybe one in ten entrepreneurs, self-employed, or WFHers stick with their pursuits.  After several objections, it is easy to just give up and blame the system.

No one is completely resilient to objections and rejection but, with the right personal development and a focus on the things that really matter, we can respond in ways that are productive, if not positive.  Now, since you are here, chances are you did one of the bravest and smartest moves you could make: you became self-employed.  Let's discuss some of the types of rejection you will face as your own boss, particularly in the MLM/network marketing industry.  I've touched upon quite a few of these already but now we'll delve into suggested responses to help you be better prepared for the proverbial "thumbs down"!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Power Of Storytelling - Share *Your* Story!

Stories are the most powerful way we communicate in any language, medium, or social circle.  Stories can teach important lessons, groom good habits/values, or simply entertain.  They can inspire action or reaction.  They often unite people, regardless of their backgrounds.

Throughout the ages, history has shown has great storytellers in every culture from ancient Egypt to the Mayans to the Native Americans of our great country.  Every great era has great story tellers.  I want you to be one of our time!
Will you share your story with our growing community?
Stories build family and community.

I want Money Slave No More (MSNM for short), to be a blog where we can share stories about financial struggles, personal victories, overcoming fear/failure, family, online business, and everything in between.  MSNM needs to be a collective of our real stories, things that the average person can identify with.  This can't happen without your support so read on, please!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My MCA (Motor Club of America) Experience Thus Far!

I'd like to briefly share the good, the bad, and the ugly of Motor Club of America, popularly known as MCA and sometimes TVC Marketing.  Mind you, I am still very new but the experience has been mostly positive.  I hope these thoughts will help other fledgling MCA associates and those still considering if they should take the leap of faith.

First and foremost, the Motor Club of America suite of benefits is very much worth it.  I believe in the product and that is almost the sole reason I did it.  Sure, my sponsor's [initial] responsiveness and enthusiasm helped but I knew I wanted to share something I truly believed in.  The marketplace is vast since everyone owns/rents cars or uses prescription meds at some point in their lives.  The easiest "sell" here is for drivers looking for more peace of mind at a greater value.

It is unfortunate that there is a significant majority of referral agents/associates that misrepresent MCA They focus too much on the money and not enough on the benefits.  We all like to have a little extra spending cash and of course it would be great to end the corporate rat race, spend more time with our loved ones, and be financially free..  But those points are beaten to death, in my humble opinion.

Everyone sets their own pace..  just don't overthink it to the point of missing out! ;)

This image is cute and perhaps effective for sparking impulsive decisions but it focuses on material things and money, not the dreams, vision, and the benefits that keep people engaged in entrepreneurial pursuits.  Sadly, you see a lot of what I like to call hip-hop mentality (mind you, I love all types of music, including hip-hop and R&B so please do not take any offense) in home-based business groups.  Hey, for some, all you need to hear about is bling and "mad money" (yo) but, for those of us that are seeking to truly change the world or at least the lives of our loved ones, there's got to be more than that.

You will see that we (co-author/admin Yomar Lopez and I) will revisit the topics of empowerment, enchantment, and excellence through it's many facets.  Often what you will see in the entrepreneurial community in general, not just work-from-home or MLM organizations, is that there is a great degree of negativity, dishonesty, and selfishness.  Some of these so-called gurus are just plain nasty!  The qualities these less-than-wonderful people display stand in stark contrast with what good personal development will teach you.

I have only start to really scrape the surface but I agree with a lot of what thought leaders like Guy Kawasaki, the Empower Network team, Jim Rohn, Paul J Meyer, and Kim Klaver share.  The common threads seem to revolve around inspiring and helping others, being likeable or enchanting.   Seems like some of my fellows in MCA missed the memo: they are far from it..  For now.  I do believe everyone has good in them and the potential to be great but it takes a conscious effort to get there.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy At Home: Principles For Fulfilling Work-From-Home Lifestyles

There is so much I want to share about the joys, pains, challenges, and opportunities of working from home..  But I realize sometimes we just want simple answers.

Being a home-based business owner/operator and building a happy home share simple principles.  It's not easy but, if you keep these keys to contentment at home, you'll find more joy to overcome to pain.  I'll try to be as concise as possible so you can apply them to your work-life balance as soon as possible!

This old adage reveals a powerful truth:
You can build a house or you can reach further and build a home.  To do the latter, you need to focus on love and dreams.  This applies to business as well!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

That Sounds Like A Scam / Pyramid Scheme!

This article goes out to all the entrepreneurs, home business owners, and bravehearts with the tenacity to do something different and follow their dreams!  I would also like to share a little bit of history about a man named Charles Ponzi...

I'm no Charles Ponzi, that much is certain.

I am new to the world of network/referral networking (a.k.a. MLM) but I have been around enough to notice that any time someone has an opportunity they are excited about, there are plenty of naysayers quick to shoot down their dreams.  I have only just started sharing the MCA business opportunity as well as other prospects and products I truly believe in, only to be met with the dreaded response I am sure many of you have heard or said yourselves:

That sounds like a pyramid scheme!

When responding to such a blunt and perhaps caustic claim, there are countless routes one could take.  It's important to note that this superficial, knee-jerk reaction is usually touching upon deeper root issues and questions, such as:
  • Is this company reputable?
  • Should I risk my reputation/friends for this?
  • What is the potential risk versus the reward?
  • How long have they been around/established for?
  • Is it working for you?
  • Can it work for me?
Change is scary so doubt and debunk are the first reactions to claims of "a better way".  These questions are all loaded and perhaps even after addressing them the doubt, fear, and comfort/complacency I have touched upon in other posts would take over.  Even when people know there is a need for great change, they may fear it because at least they are making it, albeit barely scraping by.

Let's look at some facts that could put the pyramid scheme/scam business to bed...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Bittersweet Symphony.. That's Life

Remember that song by The Verve, "Bittersweet Symphony"?

I just happened to stumble upon this song again while Googling for content about "ending the financial struggle" and "not just surviving".  Go figure - the lyrics were amongst the top results each time.  The song is very relevant.

Here are the lyrics if you don't recall the song...

*** Bittersweet Symphony - By The Verve ***

[Chorus #1]
Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Trying to make ends meet
You're a slave to money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
Where all the veins meet yeah

[Chorus #2]
No change, I can't change
I can't change, I can't change

But I'm here in my mind
I am here in my mind

But I'm a million different people
From one day to the next

I can't change my mind
No, no, no, no, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no(fading away)

[Verse 1]
Well I never pray
But tonight I'm on my knees yeah

I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now
But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now

[Chorus #1 + Chorus #2 + then Chorus #1... again]

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down



What a powerful song!  I did not realize just how relevant the song way until I really listened to it.  I mean, who couldn't relate to this song?  Everyone is struggling these days!

For me, the biggest takeaways were this:
  •  Slave To Money, Then You Die - Ouch..  A bit harsh with the dose of truth but it's true.  What are we really striving for in life beyond the material things and need for money?  I don't want my existence to be limited to how much money I made and what things I own.  More importantly, I want to be in a position where money is no longer a concern and I know my family is taken care of.
  • Well I Don't Pray, But Tonight I'm On My Knees - Faith is such a critical part of happiness and success in life alike.  If you lose hope and give up on your dreams, what else is really left?  Again, not the existence I want to live.  I want to thrive, not just survive, and I want that for my friends and loved ones too!
So many good nuggets in an otherwise overlooked song.  I'd say it's one of the more powerful songs of not-so-recent times.

What do you think?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Should You / Can You Quit Your Job Soon?

You hate your job or at least you don't really enjoy it.  Maybe you like your job but you don't like your boss or the people you work with.  Maybe all those things are good but the pay is not enough.

Is it time to quit your job and do a happy dance?  Maybe, maybe not.

Whatever is going on, you may feel like you are running in circles or barely making it by.  What they never teach us in school is that successful people, that is, people who never have to worry about their bills piling up or losing their job, never get there with a traditional job.  The corporate rat race is a vicious cycle and, while it is a necessary evil, everyone should have a backup plan.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Webinar: Learn How To Make $400+ A Week - In Your Spare Time!

Make money in your spare time - really!

I know, I know..  It sounds like the sort of claim that will make anyone roll their eyes but, apparently, some people are doing it.  I'm not there (yet) but Motor Club of America seems to be the most promising of my projects yet.  I am very excited!

Join us for the weekly MCA business opportunity webinar, tonight and every Monday at 9pm EST / 8pm CST / 7pm MST / 6pm PST.  You can visit via the web or join in via telephone, by calling into 213-416-1560 PIN 8158899#.

I want to share with you my excitement about the MCA business opportunity.  Personally, what made me feel comfortable with this alternative income source is that the company has been established since the early 1900s and the services they offer are actually useful and needed by, well, just everyone!

Whether you are interested in making more money, replacing your job with a work-from-home opportunity, or getting better benefits than you do with AAA or another comparable provider, this call should be very informative.  MCA truly has something for everyone.  Why not make money by referring friends to a product you believe in?  That's my line of thinking.

If you listen to the call, leave a comment below.  I'd love to see what you think!

Are You A Slave To Money?


It's not something anyone likes.  We certainly would not like to be thought of as slaves.  Sadly, slavery has not been abolished completely, it has only evolved.

We are all slaves to money.

Our bosses expect salaried employees to do whatever they want..  Just like slaves.  Sure, we have the right to deny unreasonable requests and do as we wish, but that does not guarantee our jobs nor does it keep us safe.

Whether by our own conscious decisions or the daily struggles, money is a necessary evil.  The reality is that only 5% of the American population is financially free and maybe 10-15% are financially comfortable.  Those are the lucky few that were either born into wealth or, well, just lucky to not have to worry about the financial woes of tomorrow.